Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, Anita Leach is a registered BAS Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board.

    This means I can help with the following -

    Business Activity Statements (BAS)

    GST registrations

    Instalment Activity Statements (IAS)

    PAYG withholding registrations

    Single Touch Payroll (STP)

    Superannuation reporting

    TFN declarations

    Taxable payments annual reports (TPAR)

    Liaise with the ATO

    Set up ATO payment plans

  • Yes, Anita is fully qualified, see Anita’s about page.

  • Services are offered, you guessed it, virtually (& paper-less). Majority of the work is done in our own office however we can offer some site visits for the clients who are local.

  • By producing accurate books we can save your accountant time therefore saving you accounting fees. I will also work closely with your accountant when needed

  • Bookkeepers assist with the day to day recording of financial transactions and processes while accountants will analyse the data come tax time in order to minimise your tax and advise you on your financial situation. I will always work with your accountant to streamline this process.

  • No, of course not! We will teach you how to be a paper-less guru, giving us electronic access to all your files.

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